Boards & Governance
Meghan Day Image
Meghan Day
Principal Solution Designer

Board management software for government agencies: Key features to consider

October 3, 2024
0 min read
Member of a government agency utilizing board management software for government

Modern government agencies face unprecedented challenges. From climate change to artificial intelligence (AI) to widespread economic uncertainty, government boards of directors must balance their constituents’ demands with the need to drive their organization forward — or risk losing the trust of the people who put them in power. Board management software for government agencies can make all the difference in walking that increasingly fine line.

To help, this article will explain:

  • The essential features government organizations should look for in board management software
  • How software ensures secure and compliant governmental board management
  • Considerations for integration and system compatibility
  • Evaluating vendor reputation and support
  • Weighing the cost and benefit of board management systems

9 essential features to consider in board management software for government organizations

Government boards handle more sensitive information than boards in almost any other sector, yet they must simultaneously act as transparently as possible to foster constituent trust. Several board management software features are essential for government agencies to cultivate accountability and visibility without hindering the board’s progress:

  • Streamline meeting preparation: Most government boards meet frequently; preparing for those meetings traditionally requires significant time and resources. Implementing tools to help streamline meeting scheduling, agenda creation and minute documentation, can thereby enhance meeting efficiency.
  • Customizable approval workflows: Governments tend to have distinct lines of authority. Board management software that integrates flexible approval workflows can facilitate the right approvals at the right time to meet your organization’s specific needs without interrupting the timeliness of decision-making.
  • User-friendly agenda building: As agendas expand to meet modern demands, government boards must save time where they can. To simplify agenda creation, utilize templates and drag-and-drop interfaces.
  • Secure digital storage and sharing: Government board members often travel to meet with different agencies or constituents. As such, it’s critical that boards can access materials easily and securely on any device through robust digital storage solutions designed to uphold data integrity.
  • Robust security and user authentication: Government organizations risk complex cyberattacks, from ransomware and phishing to state-sponsored hacks and hacktivism. Board management software should include strong authentication mechanisms and secure access controls to protect sensitive information.
  • Real-time digital voting Decisiveness is essential to governmental board effectiveness. Consider incorporating features that support immediate digital voting during meetings, capturing consensus accurately and efficiently.
  • Transparent document management: Opt for software that provides transparent and searchable storage for governance documents, maintaining public trust and ensuring accountability.

How governmental board management upholds security and compliance

Over time, board management software becomes an inextricable part of governmental board operations. As such, any software should adhere to the same security and compliance standards the board itself follows, including:

  • Regulatory compliance: Before purchasing software, ensure it complies with U.S. federal and state regulations relevant to governmental boards.
  • Data protection: Though much governmental data is publicly available, boards manage just as much sensitive information. Implement role-based access, data encryption, and audit trails to safeguard confidential data.
  • Security standards: Choose software that adheres to stringent security protocols and undergoes regular audits to verify its ability to maintain data integrity. This ensures the provider keeps the software up-to-date and defensible against evolving risks.
  • Legal compliance: Confirm that the software meets requirements under laws such as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other relevant data protection regulations.
  • Open meeting compliance: Ensure that the software supports prompt and transparent publication of meeting schedules, agendas and packets, making such information readily accessible to the public. This adherence helps prevent potential violations through less formal communication methods, such as emails, where unintentional quorum formation might occur.

The importance of vendor reputation and support services

Robust feature sets are essential to any good board management software, but so is the vendor that provides that software. Relationships with the wrong third parties can introduce significant risks, particularly for government agencies vulnerable to bad actors.

By weighing the software’s benefits against its vendor’s reputation, governmental boards are more likely to hone in on a provider they can trust. Consider the vendor’s:

  • Industry experience: Government agencies operate differently from other industries. Choose a vendor with a solid track record in providing solutions to the public sector, including robust customer testimonials that prove any claims the vendor makes.
  • Financial stability: Adopting board management software for government agencies can be lengthy. Consider a vendor’s financial health and capacity for continuous support and updates.
  • Customer support: Directors may need significant training, and others managing the software may need help getting started. Assess the vendor’s support structure and responsiveness to ensure they align with governmental operational demands.
  • Certifications: Vendors should share your agency’s commitment to quality and security standards. Checking for valid industry certifications ensures the software was designed with compliance in mind.

How to weigh the costs and benefits of board management systems

Governmental boards typically have highly regulated budgets subject to multiple rounds of review and approval. Though adding board management software as another line item may initially appear costly, there’s also an opportunity cost of not adopting more efficient board practices. To get a more complete picture of costs and return, evaluate:

  • Cost analysis: Many board management systems have tiered pricing structures. Compare both initial and ongoing expenses of different software options, considering licensing, maintenance, and implementation fees.
  • Total cost of ownership: Adopting board management software may require more than the technology itself. Include associated hardware or support services in your budget plan.
  • Return on investment: The long-term benefits of software adoption may generate cost savings relative to expenses. Forecast how much you might save and weigh the return against the initial and ongoing costs.
  • Flexible pricing: Government operations can change frequently and may require different levels of board management. Look for pricing plans that can be adjusted to governmental boards’ scale and changing needs.

Increase transparency and inclusivity with board management software for government agencies

Governmental agencies are constantly pulled in different directions, torn between their own demands and pressures from constituents and other stakeholders. Incorporating board management software can significantly improve governmental board governance, but only if you select software capable of meeting the specific needs of government operations.

Diligent Community enhances transparency and inclusivity in government agencies through advanced features. The public transparency website with robust keyword search allows constituents easy access to documents like agendas and minutes, ensuring all information and decision-making is transparent. Automatic notifications keep subscribers updated on meetings and agendas. Additionally, livestreaming capabilities and the ability to submit a request to speak online make participation accessible and inclusive, ensuring all community members can engage with and contribute to governmental decisions.

Designed with over two decades of leadership in board management for the public sector in mind, Diligent Community is a customizable and comprehensive solution to help governmental boards make better decisions. Learn how you can leverage Diligent Community board management software to streamline your government operations — and request a demo to see it in action.

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