The NIS2 Directive Raises the Bar on Cyber Resilience.
The European Union’s second Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) is a step change in cybersecurity regulation. It addresses the complexities of our digitally interdependent world to combat threats and manage cyber risk.
Essential and important entities in critical sectors – and companies in their supply chain – must meet new standards of risk management, accountability and supply chain responsibility, with new reporting and information-sharing obligations adding to compliance challenges.
Complex regulations demand innovative governance, risk, and compliance solutions. Diligent One Platform is designed to cope with regulatory complexity, delivering unified GRC that puts you ahead of the competition.

What are the key requirements of NIS2?
NIS2 aims to increase ability of organisations to withstand and recover more quickly from cybersecurity incidents and to generally raise cybersecurity standards in key industries and their supply chains across Europe.
NIS2 has the following key requirements:
- Creates governance and accountability for effective cybersecurity strategy and oversight at the highest leadership levels
- Appropriate and proportionate technical, operational, and organisational measures to manage the risks posed to the security of network and information systems.
- Requires organisations to address cybersecurity weaknesses in their supply chain.
- Establishes reporting obligations for Essential and Important Entities for significant cybersecurity incidents.
- Has extraterritorial application for certain entities who are not established in the EU but offer services within the EU.
- Creates a range of penalties for non-compliance.

Are you ready to elevate cyber resilience to comply with NIS2?
How can essential and important entities in critical sectors, and companies in their supply chain, approach NIS2 compliance?
Our white paper looks at the detail of the directive, exploring its scope – including extra-territorial application – requirements, and the governance, risk and compliance areas organisations should factor in when integrating the directive into their regulatory programme.

Master NIS2 Directive compliance with our essential checklist
Take a tactical approach to NIS2 directive compliance with our actionable checklist that covers:
- Actions for boards and management bodies
- Cyber risk management and third-party risk considerations
- Controls, policies and reporting processes

Elevate GRC to boost cyber resilience with Diligent One Platform
The NIS2 Directive has a breadth and depth that calls for a new level of GRC performance.
Diligent One Platform delivers unified GRC, drawing data out of siloes to deliver the clarity and insight you need to build effective NIS2 Directive management frameworks in your business, and through your supply chain.
How the Diligent One Platform Can Help You Manage Your GRC Program
Get a consolidated view of risk across your entire organization. Curate and deliver it right to the board — so they can make better decisions.
Elevate IT compliance while saving time & conserving resources.
Extensive, AI-powered risk data and analytics — all in one place.
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