Council meeting agenda template

A meeting agenda is a tool for how a council gets its work done. Municipal councils need formal rules and regulations to ensure that their work is efficient and productive. The council follows their municipality’s outline for their agenda which is usually developed by way of an ordinance, resolution, city council rule, or by informal customs and practices. In most cases, the mayor city clerk, or city administrator takes the lead in preparing the agenda.
An existing council meeting agenda template is a good resource for understanding how other cities and villages set up their meetings. The following council meeting agenda template was taken from an actual municipal board meeting agenda and has some of the contact details changed. This community takes advantage of technology where the actual council meeting template is online. Citizens can pull up the agenda online or print out a paper copy of it.
Example of a Council Meeting Agenda Template
Most cities and villages have a council procedures manual that outlines their procedures for preparing an agenda. This link will provide you with additional examples of how various municipal councils approach their meeting agendas.
Anytown Village Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting
Jones Memorial Board Room
Anytown Municipal Building
January 15, 2019 6:00 pm
Order of Business
- Call to Order – Mayor Smith
Invocation – Pastor George Barnes, Bethany Christian Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Recognition of Employee Anniversaries
20 Years: Officer Steven Barrett, Police Dept.; Greg Hillman, Public Works
25 Years: Sgt. Shawn Lehmann, Police Dept.; Steven Burr, Vehicle Maintenance; Peter Weber, Electric Dept.
30 Years: Mike Eisen, Street Dept.; Janet Garrett, Administration; Charlene Krickens, Electric Dept.
35 Years: Tom Tolster, Utilities
- Public Participation
Citizens wishing to address the Village Board with respect to any item of business listed on the agenda or any matter not appearing on the agenda are asked to sign in with the Village Clerk prior to the meeting. Comments will be limited to three minutes for each speaker.
Section A – Consent Agenda
- Approval of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote
All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Village Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.
(A) Motion to approve minutes from the Regular Study Session, December 8, 2018
(B) Motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting, December 10, 2016
Note: All minutes are drafts until approved at the January 15, 2019 Board Meeting. The Village is required to post the approved minutes on their web site within 30 days of approval.
- Approval of Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda.
- Motion to approve Bills and Monthly Financial Reports Final Agenda Reprinted 1/18/2019 at 2:29 PM Section B – Consideration of Bids, Contracts & Other Expenditures.
- Motion to approve Engagement Letter for Attorney services.
- Motion to approve a loan to A House of Brides – $20,000.00 for 5 years at 2% taking a second mortgage on 113 E. State as collateral.
- Motion to approve Façade Grant to A House of Brides – for 50% of expenses for reconstruction of the exterior of 110 E. Sangamon, up to $20,000.00
- Motion to approve a loan to Pro Lawncare – $20,000.00 for 5 years at 2% using various vehicles and equipment as collateral.
- Motion to authorize and approve a contract with Sewer Pros for slip-lining repair of various sanitary sewer mains – $203,000.00
- Motion to authorize and approve the purchase of an Asphalt Patching Workers from DDD Equipment – $32,415.00
- Motion to authorize and approve a contract with TDS, LLC for Bank Services not to exceed $20,000.00
Section C – Consideration of Ordinances & Resolutions
Section D – New Business Discussion of any items of new business not listed upon the formal agenda. No formal action will be taken on these items during this proceeding.
Section E – Public Announcements General Municipal Election – April 2, 2019
Section F – Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn
Statement Regarding Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Village wishes to ensure that its programs, services, and activities are accessible to individuals with disabilities. All Village Board meetings are wheelchair accessible. Persons who require an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the Village should contact the ADA Coordinator at (217) 555-5555. TTY users should dial 7-1-1 or call the Illinois Relay Center at 1-800-526-2222 (TTY) or 1-800- 526-1111 (V). TTY users requiring Spanish language assistance should call 1-800-501-3333 (TTY).
We would appreciate advance notice of at least 48 hours for any requests to receive an agenda in an alternate format or other types of auxiliary aids and services.
An Online Council Meeting Agenda Template Creates Efficiency
Technology has been instrumental in moving many facets of our communities forward and municipal governments are no exception. It takes a modern approach to local government to build sustainable, thriving communities.
iCompass developed Meeting Manager and Meeting Manager Pro to provide the online tools for efficiency in preparing meeting agendas and meeting minutes. The tools can reduce the time for preparing agendas and board meeting minutes by up to 50%.
The Meeting Manager automatically posts approved agendas and meeting minutes online as soon as they’ve been approved for public viewing. In this way, agendas and minutes become available to staff and citizens by using a simple search engine on the local government’s website. The program gives local governments the advantage of unlimited cloud-based storage for agendas, minutes, reports, and all other documents.
The savings in time and costs allows city councils to focus on more important matters and to budget more easily for them.