
Modern Governance 100

An opportunity to recognize the mission-critical work of the world's top governance, risk, audit and compliance professionals.

Recognizing today's Modern Leaders

Modern Governance 100 offers board members, elected officials and executives the opportunity to recognize the mission-critical work of the world's top governance, IT, risk, audit and compliance professionals.

Boards & Governance Innovator
Audit & Analytics All Star
ESG, Diversity, & Climate Trailblazer
Compliance & Ethics Leader
Risk & Strategy Advisor
Mission Driven Champion

Submit a nomination for Modern Governance 100!

Honoring the stories of individuals who:

  • Demonstrate exceptional leadership and innovation

  • Improve or evolve internal processes that support an organizations mission

  • Excel in overcoming both significant and routine challenges

Nominator Details
Nomination Details

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Celebrating our 2023 Modern Leaders

Honoring the Modern Governance 100

Join us in celebrating the achievements of last year's winners — governance, IT, risk, audit and compliance professionals who have excelled in their field. This section is dedicated to those who have set new standards and paved the way in their respective fields.

Boards & Governance Innovator

An individual championing the ability for board members and executives to collaborate quickly and securely to get things done effectively and to move at the speed of the business.

  • Robert Moorhead,

  • Scott Siamas,

  • Aileen Taylor,

  • Ivy Lumia,

  • Sandra Guerra,

  • Fatima Vilil,

  • Seth Gastwirth,

  • Mr. Manoj Raut,

  • Sarah Hollinsworth,

  • Duncan Webb,

  • Georgia Plevritis,

  • Kevin Cavanaugh,

  • Laura McFalls,

  • Kathy Sarpash,

  • Tim Hozpfel,

  • Andrew Neuharth,

  • Lydia Mulyk,

  • Emily Heath,

  • Christi Eggstaff,

  • Jas Dosanjh,

  • Kate Owen,

  • Terrence Zheng,

  • Donna Jenner,

  • Liane Noureldin,

  • Ronda Ross,

  • Eric Presacco,

  • Greg Hill,

  • Tania Sargent,

  • Scott Peters,

Audit & Analytics All Star

An individual working tirelessly to create an integrated view of audit to monitor and mitigate risks so that leaders can focus on achieving success.

  • Anthony Pugliese,

  • Sarah Fedele,

  • Jane Totten,

  • Jewell Freeman,

  • Dieu Tran,

  • Alexander Ruehle,

  • Emil Tzanov,

  • Sayuri Ohno,

  • Carola Haselhof,

  • Osmond Hoquee,

  • Luciana Nogueira,

  • Ludmilla Linhares,

  • Bronwyn Jesse,

ESG, Diversity & Climate Trailblazer

A forward-thinker putting initiatives in place to measure and report on ESG in a meaningful way, helping their organization to do better and to hold it accountable to stakeholders, communities and the planet.

  • Kristen Sullivan,

  • Michael Levine,

  • Fabricio Lima,

  • Maria Capdevilla,

  • Daryl Sabourin,

  • Sam Kirby,

  • Nikalaos Nikolaou,

  • Ciaran Humphries,

  • Danielle Molloy,

  • William Ray,

  • Eleanor Fraser-Smith,

  • Jose Arnulfo Batac,

  • Andrea Amozurrutia Casillas,

  • Paulo Zanardi,

  • Joyce Cacho,

Compliance & Ethics Leader

An individual evolving a compliance department to stay on top of ever-changing regulations, ensuring the organization can stay compliant externally while building a culture of ethics internally.

  • Dr. Jodie Lobana,

  • Meghan Anzelc,

  • Marianne Ibrahim,

  • Andrea Bonime-Blanc,

  • Michael Volkov,

  • Dominique Shelton Leipzig,

  • Andy Dunbar,

  • Kendall Mills,

  • Alexsandri Lima,

  • Fabia Cunha,

Risk & Strategy Advisor

A bold leader creating an integrated view of audit to monitor and mitigate risks, including cybersecurity, so that leaders can focus on achieving success, rather than focusing only on avoiding disaster.

  • Phil Venebles,

  • Elyssa Herman,

  • Renee Wynn,

  • Kieber Marques Neto,

  • Heather Masshardt,

  • Myrna Soto,

  • Anthony Johnson,

  • Masha Sedova,

  • Sandy Garfinkel,

  • Abdelwahab Gadavel,

Mission Driven Champion

A nonprofit, schoolboard, or mission driven organization leader who has shown commitment to transformation that increases transparency, streamlines processes, and empowers leaders in their organization to shape a better future.

  • Dr. RJ Gravel,

  • Nathan Mains,

  • Ken Trzaska,

  • Gervonder Brown,

  • Kaela Chong,

  • Delia Smart,

  • Anna Everett, PHD,

  • Kara Klement,

  • Will Reise,

  • Amanda Grow,

  • Ian Dudla,

  • Rosanne Morris,

  • Tamika Myers,

  • Diarmaid O'Corrbul,

  • Carol Erickson,

  • Martin Baird,


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